Hello! My name is Alexandra and I’m a junior in high school. I’ve been working with horses since i was very young and have always been passionate about the environment and animals. After I graduate, I plan to go to University and get a degree in wildlife and ecology to hopefully become a wildlife conservationist one day!
Hi! My name is Carolyn, I am a senior in high school. After I graduate, I will be attending Auburn University. I am involved in the horse rescue because I have a passion for horses, and I thought that this was a great way to be able to help out with such a great case. I've been involved in the equestrian community for 8 years now, and I have had my own horse, Willow, for four years. After I graduate Auburn, I plan to go to vet school and hopefully become a large and small animal vet!
Hi! My name is Emma King. I am a junior in high school. The reason I chose to volunteer at WHRS is that I have have always had a passion for large animals and I wanted to be able to share that passion by helping the horses that are taken in by the rescue. After I graduate, I plan to attend Auburn University or Mississippi State to eventually earn my doctorate in veterinary medicine.